Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Maria Montessori and Mo Willems.

July 7, 2015
"The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn". - Maria Montessori

I found this quote while searching on Pinterest and it really struck a cord with me. I love this quote because it is so true. Maria Montessori was way ahead of her time. She is someone that I look up to when it comes to early childhood education. The Montessori curriculum is very unique and interesting.  The different materials used inside the classroom is something I would like to see brought into other curriculum's . 

My favorite children's book right now is Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus written by Mo Willems. 
I find this book to be so funny. I love reading it to the children. I find that it can be a call and response book. The children love it and there are different ways to expand on this book with different activities. Inside the classroom you could do a week of Mo Willems books with related activities. 

Jessica Williamson writes a blog called Welcome to Room 36: A Kindergarten Blog. In one of her post she does in activity about needs and wants using Mo Willems books. Below is a link to her blog.


  1. Hi Sara! What a great quote you put on your blog, “The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn". - Maria Montessori. This quote speaks to me for various reasons. If the child is willing to learn it is amazing how much more work and better quality work you receive from the child. It is also a fantastic thing when a child wants to learn because it impacts their experience with learning in a positive manner. Young children are just beginning to learn about themselves and things in the world; therefore, why not help to activate the child’s desire to learn? I believe a child having a desire to learn will also help him or her to become a risk taker. I also like this quote you put on your blog, "Every student can learn just not on the same day or in the same way."- George Evans. How true is this quote! Each student in the classroom is different and unique in his or her own way. Each student comes from a different background, each student has his or her strengths, each student has his or her weaknesses, etc. I feel as an educator it is my job to take each child’s strength and help him or her build upon that and help each child with his or her weaknesses. The quote also mentioned each child not learning in the same way which is why I like to use different strategies when teaching and I like to teach a lesson more than one time, but in a different manner so that each child can master the material being taught. You chose some really great quotes and thanks for the website links!
    Elizabeth L.

  2. Hi Sara I too love the book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. Each time I read this book I can not help but to giggle. My students get a kick out of all of the Pigeon books. They are all pretty funny. The quote you picked is also great and so true. I do not have much experience with the Montessori approach but I would like to learn more about it. I feel that from what I know about it already, I agree that there should be more incorporation of this in pre-k classrooms.

  3. Sara,

    I like the quote, "The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn". - Maria Montessori

    I believe that children do have a natural desire to learn. Observing a child following their natural curiosity is very interesting. A new child started in my room this week. He has been going around the room pulling out everything as you would expect from a one year old. Yesterday he found the play dough. I helped him open the container and he sat for 30 minutes exploring the dough. He held the dough for a few minutes before attempting to do anything with the mass. Then he started poking and squeezing the dough. He watched carefully as his fingers manipulated the dough seeing what reaction the dough would provide. His natural curiosity about the play dough kept his attention for much longer than you may expect for a child his age.

    Thank you for sharing the Maria Montessori quote.


    1. Sara,

      I also love the Mo Willems books. Mo Willems books appeal to all ages I can read the book to a one-year-old or to a five-year-old in our school and the students enjoy them. Reading the book to an older student can also teach them about how words are written in the book directing the reader how to express those words. I always point out how the words are either in real big letters or the words are bold so I should read them differently rather than how I would read an ordinary typed word. Later in the day I can hear the student reading the book out loud and I hear the different ways he expresses those words and it makes my heart sing. Not only do the children think the books are hilarious they also teach expressive reading. Also, thank you for the link. I explored Ms. Williams blog and she has some very good ideas.

      Thank You,

  4. I love the Montessori Approach as children learn at their own pace. Because as we know all children do not learn the same way some are fast learners and some are slow learners. Mo Willems book sound interest , I have to look that up. Learning about new book this is going to be and excited journey. Great blog!
