Sunday, September 27, 2015

Stressors in the lives of children

Hunger is a huge problem when it comes to children and their developmental needs. Children that go to school hungry are not able to focus on the teacher and information in front of them. They are more worried about were their next meal might come from and when it might be. Below are a list of facts from the Share Our Strength No Kid Hungry. Children maybe able to survive during the school year when they are able to get a free or reduced lunch, however, what happens in the summer when those programs are not available and those children are unable to get to a place that serves free lunches to kids.

Facts on Child Hunger

  • 16.2 million kids in America struggle with hunger.
  • 10.5 million kids eligible for free or reduced- price breakfast do not get it
  • More than 20 million kids get a free or reduced-price school lunch on an average school day.
  • Six out of 7 eligible kids do not get free summer meals.
  • 15.7 million children in America live in poverty. 
As far as cognitive and academics Share Our Strength states:
  • Undernourished children 0-3 years of age cannot learn as much, as fast or as well.
  • Lack of enough nutritious food impairs a child's ability to concentrate and perform well in school. 
When it comes to emotional and social well-being Share Our Strengths states:
  • Children who regularly do not get enough nutritious food to eat have significantly  higher levels of behavioral, emotional and academic problems and be more aggressive and anxious. 
  • Teens who regularly do not get enough to eat are more likely to be suspended from school and have difficulty getting along with other kids. 
One resource that I found for families is the National Hungry Hotline. However, I just thought if children to not have food then the families might not have access to look up resources online. 

National Hunger Hotline- Why Hunger (1-800-5HUNGRY)

This is not just a problem in US. It is a world wide problem. 

According to Do Something. org, Poverty is the main cause of hunger. With poverty comes a decrease in available resources. Sometimes the resources are out there but the families are unable to get to them.   


Share our Strength: No kid hungry. (2011). 

Do Something. org. 11 Facts about world hunger. 


  1. Thank you for you post! I agree! Hunger is a big time stressor in throughout the world. thank you for the helpful links! Some times children only have their school meals to look forward to, and the sad thing is.. this is also world wide.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post. I wrote about hunger also and I agree it is a big stress-or in our world and is also a main factor of the development of our children. Thank you for sharing.
